(Live streaming @ 9:30 services)
Our service is live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
For those that wish to give their offerings electronically,
we have a PayPal account set up.
If you would like to donate by mail you can send donations to:
Chapel by the Sea
PO Box 2478
South Padre Island, Texas 78597
Worship Service Times
January (Winter Worship Times)
Beginning January 11th - Saturday: 4:00PM
Beginning January 5th - Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00AM -
Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00am -
Sunday: 8:00 & 9:30am -
April to October
Sunday: 9:30am -
November & December
Sunday: 8:00 & 9:30am -
First Sunday of each month.
We are a
Chapel by the Sea is an independent Christian fellowship serving visitors to this Island since 1980. Our primary Mission is to provide a Holy place in which God can be worshiped. We live this out by providing informal Christian worship services year round for any who come our way. Therefore visitors are always welcome.
Our worship services are usually about 45 minutes long. The service includes singing songs, special music, prayers, offering, scripture, sermon, and benediction. First Sunday of each month, we celebrate Holy Communion. The Table is open to all who call on Jesus Christ as Lord Savior.
We are governed and led by a Board of Directors. We have no church members nor do we seek any! Our emphasis is to receive visitors to our weekend worship services. By special arrangement Baptisms, Weddings, and Memorial Services are able to be scheduled here.
Hope to see you Sunday!